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Writer's pictureSujan Meheta

Some Facts that Everyone Should Know Before Having an Ultrasound Examination

Among numerous efficient medical tests, ultrasound examination is a notable one due to its accuracy and effectiveness. An Ultrasound imaging centre in Kolkata test utilises high-frequency sound waves to capture the live images inside your body. The same technology is used by radar and sonar in the army squads to detect ships and planes.

Diagnostic Medical Imaging

An ultrasound test helps a doctor to assess the problem that could occur in any organ, muscle, vessel or tissue of the human body. The most fascinating aspect of the ultrasound test is this test is completely free from any sort of radiation. This reason makes ultrasound testing an ideal one for assessing the growth of a fetus.

But a Ultrasound imaging centre in Kolkata is not only a test related to pregnancy, it is used to detect different problems in organs like the liver, kidneys, ovaries, gallbladder, spleen etc. Apart from that, ultrasound testing can help in extremely sensitive procedures like biopsies. However, ultrasound tests need a certain preparation for better accuracy of the test. So, let's see how we should prepare for an ultrasound imaging test.

Preparation of Ultrasound Test

  • At first, your doctor may ask you to fast for at least 8-12 hours especially if it is an abdomen test. Undigested food in the stomach can block the sound waves which can make it difficult to get a clear picture of your abdomen.

  • If you are prescribed to do an ultrasound of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver or spleen, you need to have a fat-free meal in the evening before your test.

  • For other examinations, you may be asked to drink plenty of water until your urinary bladder is full. This is because a full bladder is better visualised in the image.

  • It is strictly prohibited to take any medicine or medicinal supplements without the suggestion of a physician.

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So, these are some primary steps of the preparation for an ultrasound examination. Always remember that doing anything without consulting a doctor can be risky. Hence, always ask your doctor or contact any reputed primary health center if there is any doubt.

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