An anomaly scan, also known as a 20-week ultrasound or level 2 ultrasound, is a mandatory routine checkup for all expecting mothers. Though performed like the other scans in most diagnostic imaging service providing clinics, anomaly scan is significant. This is because of its efficacy in detecting congenital disability in the fetus. Let's see the facts showing why anomaly scan is crucial and what anomaly scan detects.
Importance of Anomaly Scan
An anomaly scan is conducted to detect any developmental malfunctions. The importance of anomaly scans is that they can detect any abnormalities in advance so that proper steps can be taken to avoid any unpleasant situation.
What Anomaly Scan Can Detect?
Anomaly scan mainly focuses on the structure of the brain, neck, spine, abdomen, heart, arms, face, legs, lungs, liver, kidneys, and so on. Anomaly scan also checks the location of amniotic fluid, placenta, fetus heart rate, and cervix length. An Anomaly scan assesses specific characteristics of a fetus, which are the soft symptoms of problems like Down syndrome.
However, knowing that an ultrasound cannot detect all the congenital abnormalities is crucial. Only some specific problems can be assessed by ultrasound. This 20th-week scan or anomaly scan can detect the gender of the fetus. Still, it is strictly prohibited by law.
When is an Anomaly Scan Performed?
Since an anomaly scan is a detailed assessment of the fetus, it is crucial to perform this scan only after the first trimester is completed. An anomaly scan is performed between the 18th and 20th week. In India, terminating a pregnancy after 20 weeks is illegal. Hence, this scan is conducted before the 20th week so that the pregnancy can be terminated in case of the detection of any severe abnormalities.
Is Anomaly Scan Painful?
The answer is no. Similarly to other ultrasound scans, an anomaly does not create pain.
How Much Time An Anomaly Scan Take?
An anomaly scan can take almost 30 minutes. In rare cases, an hour may be taken if the baby is not moving sufficiently.
So, these are some general facts about an anomaly scan. Always follow your doctor's suggestion and contact a reputed specialty women's clinic to perform this scan.
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