Also known as Acute Otitis Media, ear infection is a type of infection that arises in the middle ear. Middle ear is the air-filled portion behind the eardrum. It includes vibrating bones of the ear which are very little in shape. Ear infections are indeed painful and children are more likely to get this disease. So let's discuss some prominent factors about ear infection including the symptoms and treatment.
What is An Ear Infection?
In human ears, there are some narrow tubes that run from the middle ear to high behind the throat which is also known as Eustachian tubes. When these tubes becomes blocked and swollen, mucus can form in the middle ear and turn into an infection. Most ear infections can go on their own, some treatment from reputed primary care clinic may be required for better pain management.
In most cases, antibiotics are used to treat this issue. Some people are likely to have this infection which can lead to hearing complications and other serious issues. But how can you understand that you have developed an ear infection? Well, the next segment would help you in this matter.
The symptoms of ear infections are rapid and prolonged, hence early detection can help in treating the problem very well. The symptoms of ear infection are the following.
Continual or periodic ear pain especially in a lying position
Pulling or tugging at an ear
Fussy attitude
Trouble hearing
Sleep issues
Balance loss
High fever(more than 104°F)
Fluid secretions from ear
Appetite loss
When to Visit A Doctor
The symptoms of an ear infection can arise due to multiple reasons. As we scored earlier that ear infection can be very serious if not treated well. Hence it is very important to visit a reputable doctor if you face any of these symptoms. Call your doctor immediately if you notice:
Symptoms last for a couple of days.
If symptoms occur in a child below 6months.
Severe ear pain
Your child is feeling restless
Discharge of pus or watery odoury fluid from the ears
So these are some common facts about a ear infection. Call your doctor or search for for the term family clinic near me before the symptoms get worse. Follow our articles to know more about ear infections, reasons, and management.
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